Working with Dyson

At Dyson we value our relationships with suppliers. We are committed to streamlining the procure-to-pay process in order to improve operational efficiency, drive accuracy and to enable timely payments that benefit both you (the supplier) and Dyson. One of the areas where we require your support is ensuring the completeness and quality of the invoices you send, and we have detailed guidance below to assist with this.

It is key the supplier receives a Purchase Order (PO) from Dyson before delivering goods or commencing work. Requests from Dyson for goods or services without a PO should not be accepted. Any invoice(s) that Dyson receive that do not include a PO number will be returned.
Onboarding to Dyson

Dyson has selected SAP Ariba’s ‘Supplier Lifecycle & Performance’ (SLP) module as our platform to acquire your up-to-date business details which will improve onboarding efficiency and lead-time. To assist in this process, we have developed two step-by-step guides:
Submitting Invoices

Dyson has partnered with SAP Ariba for a seamless Purchase Order (PO) to invoice and payment process, so it is highly beneficial for you to join this network (standard account is free). Within SAP Ariba, you can create an electronic invoice directly from the PO, visibly track the status of the invoice and avoid errors often associated with processing standard paper invoices. To join the network and establish a trading relationship with Dyson, please reach out to for a network invite.

Submission via SAP Ariba is Dyson’s preferred method when receiving invoices, however it is also possible to send invoices by email to the Dyson Accounts Payable team in a PDF format (one invoice per PDF, maximum of 10 invoices per email, and no zip files). Invoices should be submitted to the Dyson entity which issued the PO - click the relevant region below to see details.

Please note that invoices that are submitted to your Dyson contact, as opposed to the dedicated Dyson Accounts Payable invoice mailbox, may result in payment delays.

Intra-EU Supplies of Goods

If you are providing goods that will be shipped from one EU Member State to another, you are specifically required to state all relevant Intrastat reporting data (e.g. commodity code, weight/mass/specific unit, quantity, Country of Origin, INCOTERM, Mode of Transport, etc) on the face of the invoice for each and every individual item supplied. If this is not possible, it is acceptable to provide this data in an attached annexe to the invoice, however it must be submitted with the invoice. Dyson reserves the right to reject invoices that do not include the required Intrastat details.

Submitting Invoice Queries

Invoice queries (for example, to check the status of an invoice payment) should be submitted to the relevant Dyson mailbox as detailed below. Our Accounts Payable team will get back to you as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Frequently asked questions

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  • 1. What is SAP Ariba?

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    SAP Ariba is the world's largest web-based transactional community. It connects both small and large businesses with their trading partners for a highly efficient procure-to-pay process.

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  • 2. Will SAP Ariba be the preferred method to transact with Dyson in the future? Is it required for me to make this change?

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    Yes. Dyson are requesting all suppliers* to transact with Dyson via SAP Ariba - a centralized platform that will improve efficiency, accuracy and improve time of payment time on invoices that will benefit both you, the supplier, and Dyson.

    *Excluding Government entities, charity donations, utility providers and certain lease & rental suppliers

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  • 3. I can’t find a SAP Ariba email from Dyson, what do I do?

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    Dyson’s SAP Ariba emails are sent from the following domain and start with ‘Dyson – Action:’ in the subject line so please look out for these. Sometimes the emails will go to your spam or junk folder so make sure you check these too. If you experience difficulty, please reach out to your Dyson contact or email us at

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  • 4. What types of SAP Ariba account are available?

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    Standard account:

    • Free for you

    • Easy to set-up and transact electronically with PO’s and invoices

    Enterprise account:

    • Fee based, dependent on transactional volume of PO’s and invoices

    • Unlimited PO and invoice view access

    • Online support from SAP Ariba

    • Managed catalogues

    • Ability to run reports

    To compare Standard vs Enterprise accounts, you can visit SAP Ariba’s official website that will calculate the value to your business. You are able to upgrade from a Standard to an Enterprise account within SAP Ariba at anytime.

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  • 5. Why are we being charged a fee from SAP Ariba, and who can we contact for help?

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    When you have an Enterprise account, you will incur a fee that is directly payable to SAP Ariba – not Dyson. To dispute the charge, you need to follow the below steps on the SAP Ariba portal.

    1. Within the SAP Ariba portal, click on your initials and then ‘Service Subscriptions’

    2. Click on the ‘Open Bills’ tab

    3. Under the ‘Action’ header, click on the comment textbox (when hovering the mouse cursor over the textbox it says ‘Create Dispute Case – in case you have questions, or grounds for complaint’

    4. Select a cause from the drop-down menu and enter a reason for your dispute in the comment section with as much detail as possible

    5. Double check the correct contact information listed underneath contact data is correct

    6. Click ‘Send’

    Your request will then be submitted to the SAP Ariba billing team and you will be contacted by their representative.

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  • 6. I already use SAP Ariba with other clients. Will my SAP Ariba account be accepted, or do I need to create a new SAP Ariba account?

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    If you have an existing SAP Ariba account, you can link this to Dyson during the registration process. Please contact if you’re interested in linking an existing SAP Ariba account with Dyson.

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  • 7. Why am I being asked to re-submit my responses?

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    Much of the data you provide as you complete the various fields in the Registration Questionnaire, is validated in real-time, to ensure accuracy. However, on occasions we may need to ask you to update your questionnaire responses as a result of incorrect formatting or missing details.

    The areas where we commonly see this are:

    • Bank details on official letterhead paper – to certify your bank details, Dyson requires your banking information on official letterhead paper to guarantee compliance and to mitigate fraud.

    • Missing Tax / Governmental forms

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  • 8. How should I submit an invoice?

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    Dyson has partnered with SAP Ariba to manage a seamless transition of the Purchase Order (PO) to invoice and payment process, so it is highly beneficial to join this network. To join and establish a trading relationship with Dyson, reach out to for an invite.
    Submission via SAP Ariba is the preferred method for receiving invoices to ensure efficiency, however it is also possible to send invoices by email to our Accounts Payable team. Click the appropriate region below for mail box information.

    To aid the timely payment of your invoices, we would request the following:

    • PDF format invoices (other formats such as Word or Excel are not acceptable)

    • One invoice per PDF, with a maximum of 50 pages and no password protection

    • All invoices must quote a valid PO number

    • Invoice font size should be greater than 5

    • Invoice submission should be to the dedicated Dyson Accounts Payable mailbox for the Dyson entity that issued the associated PO

    • Emails should not exceed 5MB nor include zip files

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  • 9. How should I submit a query relating to an invoice?

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    Click on the appropriate region below for more country-specific details. Please ensure all relevant information is included to assist our Accounts Payable team in responding to you as quickly as possible.

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  • 10. Why has my invoice been returned?

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    Most commonly, we will return an invoice as it does not include a Dyson PO number or because it has not been submitted to the appropriate Dyson mailbox. (This is determined by which Dyson entity sent you the PO originally.)

    All returned invoices will be accompanied by an explanatory comment.

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  • 11. Should I deliver goods or commence work without a Purchase Order (PO)

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    No. It is crucial that you receive a PO from Dyson before delivering goods or commencing work. Requests from Dyson for goods or services without a PO should not be accepted, and any invoice(s) without a PO number will be returned.

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  • 12. What are the invoice requirements of Dyson?

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    Dyson has partnered with SAP Ariba to enable a seamless transition of the PO to invoice to payment process. Invoices submitted through the SAP Ariba Network will automatically meet invoice requirements. Should you prefer to submit your invoices by email to our Accounts Payable team, we would request the following:

    • PDF format (other formats such as Excel or Word are not accepted)

    • One invoice per PDF file

    • Maximum of 10-invoices per email

    • No zip files

    • Quote a valid PO number

    • Addressed to the Dyson entity that issued the associated PO – this information can be found on the PO

    All invoices should reference a valid PO number.

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  • 13. Who can I speak with to learn more and get additional questions answered?

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    We value our relationships with suppliers, and we are committed to supporting you on this transactional process. For further support, either visit SAP Ariba Network for Suppliers website, or contact us at

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Invoice submission and query email addresses by region
(ideally only to be used when submission via Ariba is not possible)

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